In a groundbreaking move for the world of 9-ball pool, Matchroom Sport has announced the formation of the World Professional Nineball Pool Corporation (WPNPC). Led by Matchroom Sport chairman Eddie Hearn, this limited company aims to enhance opportunities for pool players globally and establish a prominent position on the global Professional Tour.
Key Highlights of the WPNPC Launch:
1. Ownership and Leadership:
a. The WPNPC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Matchroom Multi Sport.
b. It follows the successful model of the Professional Darts Corporation and World Snooker Tour.
c. The board comprises Matchroom Chairman Eddie Hearn, WST Chairman Steve Dawson, PDC CEO Matthew Porter, and Matchroom Multi Sport CEO Emily Frazer.
2. Mission and Values:
a. Aligned with Matchroom Sport’s core values, the WPNPC is dedicated to creating a tour accessible to all, providing amateur players with the opportunity to turn professional.
3. Structural Development:
a. The independent organization aims to bring structure to 9-ball pool on a global scale, paving the way for a fully professional tour.
b. Independent drug testing, an integrity unit, commercial expansion, consistent rules, and worldwide television exposure are key components of the WPNPC’s strategy.
4. Recognition and Clarity:
a. The WPNPC officially recognizes the World Nineball Rankings, World Nineball Tour events, and the official World Nineball Event Rules.
b. The 2023 World Nineball Tour includes 50 events, with collaboration between the WPNPC and 20 promoters worldwide.
5. Global Impact:
a. Following in the footsteps of other successful ventures, the WPNPC is poised to be a turning point for professional pool globally.
b. Matchroom Sport, known for its innovation in boxing, snooker, and darts, aims to bring the same level of success to the world of Nineball.
6. Quotes from Leadership:
a. Eddie Hearn, Matchroom Sport chairman, expresses excitement about the WPNPC’s potential to revolutionize the sport.
b. Emily Frazer, Matchroom Group Director, emphasizes the diverse representation in the top 128-ranked players and the WPNPC’s commitment to global expansion.
9-ball pool, World Professional Nineball Pool Corporation, Matchroom Sport, Professional Tour, global expansion, Eddie Hearn, Emily Frazer